Sunday, January 1, 2012

Realization and Celebration: Day Three

And on the final day of 2011 I realized that my Hindi was not as bad as I thought since I could hold complete conversations with family and friends over the summer. This realization came during conversations in Spanish that I attempted with the Hondurans in the community.  I took one semester of Spanish about three years ago and about two lessons two months before I came here.  They helped a little, but I think my mind is still in India while my body is in Honduras.  I continually slip into speaking Panjabi and Hindi words when I try to speak Spanish. Pani... errrr agua, anyone?

Although, since one of the workers recruited me to bend wire the whole day (...the best job in the world because it got me away from digging! Hallelujah!) anyway since he recruited me... we kept attempting conversations in Spanish and then other workers and children would find it amusing so others would come over too throughout the day and start up conversations.  Due to my inability to feel embarrassment when conversing in a language that I have no clue about... I think I'm going to get pretty good at this Spanish thing...

Anyway I'll stop bragging about my Spanish skills (or lack there-of).  Let's talk about the dance party celebration to open the new year!  After  a hard day's work, SHH organized a barbecue by the pool and a night at a dance club.  It's kind of weird being in Honduras over new year's.  Every time I hear a firework I consider that it may be a gun shot, oy vey.  My imagination gets the best of me sometimes.

The dance party was a blast!  When we counted down to 0 confetti fell from the ceiling, everyone hooted and hollered and kept dancing to the beat of music, and found everyone they knew (and others they didn't) to give them the largest hug they could.  It was definitely memorable.  For me, it was lots of fun.  I always enjoy a good dance party, but there's was definitely something missing.  For all you hopeless romantics out there, I was missing my fiance, Eric.  If you know him, then you understand that he's the greatest man you'll ever meet and the prime guy to celebrate the new year with!

Now after coming home and getting a well-deserved shower I am ready for bedtime.  We have a semi-early rise, waking up at 8:30am.  I am looking forward to another day at the work site.  Vamanos!

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